Because people are scared of things that are broken.
But I'd rather be at school with the people who've betrayed and hurt me the most than having to face the fact that I really am alone
I fear being alone.
When I'm alone it's just me and my endless amounts of thoughts
Thoughts that should never be thought
That do nothing but tear me down and literally break me from the insdie out
I find myself feeling depressed for no reason at all
And no one to tell me life will get better
Throughout highschool I couldn't even begin to imagine how it would feel to be invisible and alone
To walk down the hallway with your head down and headphones in to avoid awkward stares
But things have changed
Friends are now strangers
I no longer look forward to the weekends
And things that once made me happy, don't
And I walk down the hallway with my head down,.. and headphones in