Sunday, November 29, 2015

So long my friend

Because I've never loved anything more than I love the moon.
Because like the moon I'm so timid,
Hiding the best parts of myself away from the world.

You know me as La Luna,
But I know me as the girl that Kisses too often
And loves too deeply
The girl that drives too fast And walks too slow
The girl that Yearns to be happy
But does nothing about it
The girl that has Looked and looked for Paris
But has yet to find it
Because of La Luna I've finally closed open wounds
And have learned that it's okay to open up and share

So I beg you to sit and stay awhile
There are so many drafts un-posted
Still so many words unsaid
And so many laughs yet to share
Because the best of life has yet to start
Wth love,
Kayla Foote                  


  1. I love your blog!!! and this reveal! You are just amazing- so nice to meet you :)

  2. So lovely. It's good to see you again, Kayla (:

  3. I've always loved your blog and writing. You're amazing keep it up!

  4. this is beautiful-just like your blog. love your reveal.

  5. oh my heck Kayla this is perfect.

    you're beautiful and your words are beautiful.

    amazing reveal.

  6. That was such a creative idea with the letters of your name! You're blog is amazing and so was this reveal

  7. i don't comment much, but i read your blog every week. nice to meet you!

  8. I really really love this. Your writing has and continues to be beautiful.

  9. "The girl that has looked and looked for Paris
    But has yet to find it"

    mmmm preach

    i love your writing, i'm not going anywhere.

  10. What you said about the moon
    And finding your name in that paragraph

    So good.

    1. Same.

      Also the unpublished drafts.

  11. i love the connection to the moon at the beginning! your blog is so good and I loved that you hid your name in your post! so good!

  12. this was so creative. i loved all of it

  13. Kayla, you are incredible. I don't know you that well, but you are such an inspiration. I can't wait to sit and stay awhile and read what you have to say. Always been a favorite & I'm so happy to finally see the person behind some of my very favorite blog posts

  14. goob, I love how real your blog is. I also love you and your writing.
    Thank you for being you.

  15. I hope you know how much I absolutely love you. Your blog was freaking incredible and you have been and always will be one of my favorite people and im so blessed to have you in my life.

  16. so creative and so beautiful and i've loved getting to know you. keep writing because i most definitely will keep reading

  17. Wow! I had no idea! I loved this reveal how you tied in your name with the post.

  18. This is so beautiful and I love your writing, also there's so much of this post I want to quote
