Sunday, December 13, 2015

Help me be whole again

my heart aches for you
the way the moon aches for the suns light
Because without you it's just dark
I feel shattered and broken
and you're the only one who can put me back together

But I ache most of all to be whole
As myself
and not with you
I need to feel like I'm worth more than a cheap date and a kiss goodnight
My happiness shouldn't depend on whether or not I got a text from you that day
But it does..

So this is goodbye


  1. I love this so much. brings back some (not so) amazing memories of junior year. :')

  2. The line about the text.

  3. "My happiness shouldn't depend on whether or not I got a text from you that day
    But it does..

    So this is goodbye"

    shhhhhh oh my that was fire.
