Saturday, October 3, 2015

If I were to die today

If I were to die today would anyone even notice?
Would anyone even care?

Would my mom miss the way that I'm never on time for curfew
Or my dad miss how I always ran out of gas and needed his help
Would my sisters miss how I always borrowed their clothes without asking
Or would they miss how loud and obnoxious my singing was
I know they would.

I wonder if my friends would even notice that I'm gone, because they don't even notice when I'm here
I sit in a crowded room full of my best friends..
Why do I feel like they are nothing but strangers?
Maybe it's because that's how they treat me.
They're the ones that said "I will always be there for you"
They lied.
Where are you now?
If I were to die today you would cry and say that "I was your best friend, that you cared about me so much"
But you never treated me that way.

People are fragile and when they've been dropped too many times they will start to break.

This isn't a suicide note
Just a cry for help


  1. People notice you. People do care. And I don't know you, but I'm sure I do in real life. And I know I would cry even if I wasn't your friend, even if I hardly knew you. Keep your head up

  2. Being happy is a choice. That's the most important thing I've learned this year, and it wasn't at school.

  3. Being happy is a choice. That's the most important thing I've learned this year, and it wasn't at school.

  4. you are a new fav of mine. keep it up!

  5. Oh my gosh! I wrote the same thing a few years ago in one of my notebooks, and I just want to say hey, things can suck but they will always get better. Always. No matter if it's a week or a month or ten years away, it'll always work out. So as my sister would tell me when I'd come to her feeling like you do, head up buttercup.

  6. I literally feel exactly the same as this. Just know you're not alone.

  7. The part about your dad.

  8. "I wonder if my friends would even notice that I'm gone, because they don't even notice when I'm here"
