Sunday, November 15, 2015

Lost Heart, contact me if found

Your hear beats up to 144,000 times per day. 
It's what keeps us alive and breathing
Every feeling that we feel and every feeling that we don't
Yet we give our hearts away to people who will just hurt and misuse them
Who will treat them no different than they would a piece of garbage


I met a boy and thought he cared 

So I opened up with him and shared
He stole my heart and didn't give it back
When I realized what had happened
 It was already too late, and my insides were just black
I found it lying out on the street 
All bruised and broken,
I put it back
 Misused and mistreated but, it still continued to pump for me


  1. "Yet we give our hearts away to people who will just hurt and misuse them
    Who will treat them no different than they would a piece of garbage"
    That was quite poetic. I really enjoyed it

  2. "Misused and mistreated but, it still continued to pump for me"

    yes. #stolen
