Sunday, August 30, 2015

This is for you

This is for you,

For the kids that look like they fit in, but know they don't.
The ones that thinks life couldn't get any worse, and then it does.

To the kids that seem to always have a smile on their face, but not when they're alone.
To the quiet ones in a group of nothing but noise, with so much to say, but no one takes time to listen.
But most of all this is for me.
Life is hard.
But life is good.
I promise it gets better.
So keep on walking.
Keep on loving.
Keep on living.
Keep on being you.


  1. this is great. so relatable to me. its so simple but so amazing.

  2. Love love love this! Simple and beautiful!!!

  3. Welcome to the blogs.

  4. "For the kids that look like they fit in, but know they don't." It's so true.
