Sunday, September 13, 2015

Childhood where did you go?

I got home around 2:30am heartbroken.
Feeling worthless and unwanted. I know it wasn't true but they were just re-occurring thoughts that ran through my head that day.
Why couldn't life be more simple. Like back when missing your favorite cartoon on Sunday nights was your biggest worry.
Or practicing the piano for exactly 30 minutes so you could go play night games with the neighbor kids until your parents yelled "time for bed!"
Back when you wore a green shirt with orange pants with your hair in a mess and didn't care what you looked like, because you did it all yourself.
When you looked forward to everyday and not just the weekends.
Back when kids would rather be outside playing than inside on their phones.
Somebody please tell me, where did those times go?
We've dreamed all our childhood lives about being older.
And now that we are... I just want my crayons back.


  1. "and didn't care what you looked like, because you did it all yourself." that line hit me hard. Great post.

  2. i loved all of this

  3. "We dreamed all our childhood lives about being older. And now that we are... I just want my crayons back."

    So good oh my goodness!

  4. "When you looked forward to everyday and not just the weekends."

