Sunday, November 29, 2015

So long my friend

Because I've never loved anything more than I love the moon.
Because like the moon I'm so timid,
Hiding the best parts of myself away from the world.

You know me as La Luna,
But I know me as the girl that Kisses too often
And loves too deeply
The girl that drives too fast And walks too slow
The girl that Yearns to be happy
But does nothing about it
The girl that has Looked and looked for Paris
But has yet to find it
Because of La Luna I've finally closed open wounds
And have learned that it's okay to open up and share

So I beg you to sit and stay awhile
There are so many drafts un-posted
Still so many words unsaid
And so many laughs yet to share
Because the best of life has yet to start
Wth love,
Kayla Foote                  

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Lost Heart, contact me if found

Your hear beats up to 144,000 times per day. 
It's what keeps us alive and breathing
Every feeling that we feel and every feeling that we don't
Yet we give our hearts away to people who will just hurt and misuse them
Who will treat them no different than they would a piece of garbage


I met a boy and thought he cared 

So I opened up with him and shared
He stole my heart and didn't give it back
When I realized what had happened
 It was already too late, and my insides were just black
I found it lying out on the street 
All bruised and broken,
I put it back
 Misused and mistreated but, it still continued to pump for me

Sunday, November 8, 2015

To friends I've hurt

Dear old friends who I've hurt,

It wasn't you, it was me. I found myself locked inside my own dark mind. Not able to find the key, not able to escape. So I grew distant and didn't want you around anymore. I kept blaming you for everything that went wrong in life because you weren't there. But I pushed you out and didn't give you a key to get back in. And I'm here to say, I'm sorry. I know you have already moved on with different friendships, as you should. But I want you to know, no matter how much you ignore me or how mean you can be, I will always  have a special place in my heart for you. No your label in my heart is not under "Best Friend" but under "someone who I needed at that moment." So thank you and I'm sorry. 
Love, LaLuna

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Here's a Haiku to...

Number 32
You only pretend to care
Now we never speak

Date at the skate park
We kissed and looked at the lights
And I felt nothing

Drive up the canyon
Turns out you loved the mirror
more than you loved me

We made a good team
Just not playing basketball
A forced kiss I liked

You held my hand and
Whispered into my ear, 2 hour
drive but you still came

Never wore clothes twice
Wanna be hipster with a
bad taste in music

You kissed my scars and
taught me how to drive a stick
Now we are strangers

We hiked a mountain
I looked into your eyes and
Saw into your soul

You could throw a ball
But couldn't spit game so you
hid behind a screen

Nice clothes and fake hair
Looked inside and saw nothing
Just a pretty face

Green bottles and pills
I let you escape without me
Passed out on the ground

Date to the movie
Nothing was ever the same
And you held me close

I thought I loved you
 I cried when you left but you
came back and... Nothing

Used to be best friend
Never there unless boys were
Who are you again?

Sweet and innocent
Your enemies now best friends
I saw straight through that