Monday, January 11, 2016

Final Final Final

Final day to tell "the truth"
Final day to say what's really on my mind

And to say what I've really wanted to say all along;

Fake people make me uncomfortable
Maybe that's why going to school is so hard for me

Depression is more than just feeling sad

Food always seems to taste better after midnight

The reason I don't post once a week isn't because I forget
It's because nothing ever seems good enough to say

The stereotype of a football player is almost always wrong
But the stereotype of a cheerleader is almost always right

Real friends won't watch as you sit alone at lunch

I drink Starbucks and read books... because I like it
Not because everyone else is doing it

Drives up the canyon are something we take for granted
because they are so "mainstream"
but we're lucky to live in such a beautiful place

We're supposedly supposed to get 8 hours a sleep 
But I paint until 4 am on school nights
Because it makes me happy
(and I always regret it in the morning)

Sometimes I look out at the rain and think
How something so beautiful can seem so sad

And I wish I could just ask Siri how to fix sadness
But it's not that easy.


  1. "I wish I could ask Siri how to fix sadness but it's not that easy."

  2. HOLYYYYY. you're writing is everything I feel. thanks for putting it into words. amazing.
