to Paris
I was lost. I
in a
that was
just learning
the alphabet
while I was
reciting poetry
They couldn't
understand why I
feel what I feel. So
I went Paris.Where
they don't know me.
They don't know how I feel, but they still
care.And when you close your eyes you could just feel the
beauty surrounding you. The fresh smell of coffee mixed
with the smell of new fallen rain on
the pavement.And when you open your
eyes you see endless amounts of
pine trees and coffee shops. The
moon is shining so bright you need
sunglasses to see It's at its fullest full
and I have never seen anything so
beautiful The streets were lined with
the finest bakery's and cafes but there were no lines
Live music filled the street that made you and your heart happy
Tourists would come from all over
But they couldn't see and feel the beauty like we could.
So they never stayed long
They left, and we were happy to see them go
Every morning I woke up in Paris felt like another good reason to be alive
La Luna
Tell me the story how the sun loved the moon so much he died every night to let her breathe
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Monday, January 11, 2016
Final Final Final
Final day to tell "the truth"
Final day to say what's really on my mind
And to say what I've really wanted to say all along;
Fake people make me uncomfortable
Maybe that's why going to school is so hard for me
Depression is more than just feeling sad
Food always seems to taste better after midnight
The reason I don't post once a week isn't because I forget
It's because nothing ever seems good enough to say
The stereotype of a football player is almost always wrong
But the stereotype of a cheerleader is almost always right
Real friends won't watch as you sit alone at lunch
I drink Starbucks and read books... because I like it
Not because everyone else is doing it
Drives up the canyon are something we take for granted
because they are so "mainstream"
but we're lucky to live in such a beautiful place
We're supposedly supposed to get 8 hours a sleep
But I paint until 4 am on school nights
Because it makes me happy
(and I always regret it in the morning)
Sometimes I look out at the rain and think
How something so beautiful can seem so sad
And I wish I could just ask Siri how to fix sadness
But it's not that easy.
Final day to say what's really on my mind
And to say what I've really wanted to say all along;
Fake people make me uncomfortable
Maybe that's why going to school is so hard for me
Depression is more than just feeling sad
Food always seems to taste better after midnight
The reason I don't post once a week isn't because I forget
It's because nothing ever seems good enough to say
The stereotype of a football player is almost always wrong
But the stereotype of a cheerleader is almost always right
Real friends won't watch as you sit alone at lunch
I drink Starbucks and read books... because I like it
Not because everyone else is doing it
Drives up the canyon are something we take for granted
because they are so "mainstream"
but we're lucky to live in such a beautiful place
We're supposedly supposed to get 8 hours a sleep
But I paint until 4 am on school nights
Because it makes me happy
(and I always regret it in the morning)
Sometimes I look out at the rain and think
How something so beautiful can seem so sad
And I wish I could just ask Siri how to fix sadness
But it's not that easy.
Saturday, December 26, 2015
People Help The People
Standing on the outside looking in
at all of these broken people
Pretending to be
somebody they're not
I remember what that felt like,
to be broken...
There seemed to always be someone to impress
Always someone looking down on you
And not even the strongest drug could fix
the sadness that ran through you
Being with so many people
yet feeling completely alone
Having long conversations
about absolutely nothing
It was like
Going to the most amazing restaurants
and only ordering a side salad
I took a couple steps back and realized
There's so much more to life than which side of the knight you sit on
And what your social status was in High School
Sometimes all we need is a reality check to help you realize that life's good, and if it isn't then take a few steps back and maybe then you'll see why.
at all of these broken people
Pretending to be
somebody they're not
I remember what that felt like,
to be broken...
There seemed to always be someone to impress
Always someone looking down on you
And not even the strongest drug could fix
the sadness that ran through you
Being with so many people
yet feeling completely alone
Having long conversations
about absolutely nothing
It was like
Going to the most amazing restaurants
and only ordering a side salad
I took a couple steps back and realized
There's so much more to life than which side of the knight you sit on
And what your social status was in High School
Sometimes all we need is a reality check to help you realize that life's good, and if it isn't then take a few steps back and maybe then you'll see why.
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Help me be whole again
my heart aches for you
the way the moon aches for the suns light
Because without you it's just dark
I feel shattered and broken
and you're the only one who can put me back together
But I ache most of all to be whole
As myself
and not with you
I need to feel like I'm worth more than a cheap date and a kiss goodnight
My happiness shouldn't depend on whether or not I got a text from you that day
But it does..
So this is goodbye
the way the moon aches for the suns light
Because without you it's just dark
I feel shattered and broken
and you're the only one who can put me back together
But I ache most of all to be whole
As myself
and not with you
I need to feel like I'm worth more than a cheap date and a kiss goodnight
My happiness shouldn't depend on whether or not I got a text from you that day
But it does..
So this is goodbye
Sunday, November 29, 2015
So long my friend
Because I've never loved anything more than I love the moon.
Because like the moon I'm so timid,
Hiding the best parts of myself away from the world.
Because like the moon I'm so timid,
Hiding the best parts of myself away from the world.

You know me as La Luna,
But I know me as the girl that Kisses too often
And loves too deeply
The girl that drives too fast And walks too slow
The girl that Yearns to be happy
But does nothing about it
The girl that has Looked and looked for Paris
But has yet to find it
Because of La Luna I've finally closed open wounds
And have learned that it's okay to open up and share
So I beg you to sit and stay awhile
There are so many drafts un-posted
Still so many words unsaid
And so many laughs yet to share
Because the best of life has yet to start
Wth love,
Kayla Foote
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Lost Heart, contact me if found
Your hear beats up to 144,000 times per day.
It's what keeps us alive and breathing
Every feeling that we feel and every feeling that we don't
Yet we give our hearts away to people who will just hurt and misuse them
Who will treat them no different than they would a piece of garbage

I met a boy and thought he cared
So I opened up with him and shared
He stole my heart and didn't give it back
When I realized what had happened
It was already too late, and my insides were just black
I found it lying out on the street
All bruised and broken,
I put it back
Misused and mistreated but, it still continued to pump for me

It's what keeps us alive and breathing
Every feeling that we feel and every feeling that we don't
Yet we give our hearts away to people who will just hurt and misuse them
Who will treat them no different than they would a piece of garbage

I met a boy and thought he cared
So I opened up with him and shared
He stole my heart and didn't give it back
When I realized what had happened
It was already too late, and my insides were just black
I found it lying out on the street
All bruised and broken,
I put it back
Misused and mistreated but, it still continued to pump for me

Sunday, November 8, 2015
To friends I've hurt
Dear old friends who I've hurt,
It wasn't you, it was me. I found myself locked inside my own dark mind. Not able to find the key, not able to escape. So I grew distant and didn't want you around anymore. I kept blaming you for everything that went wrong in life because you weren't there. But I pushed you out and didn't give you a key to get back in. And I'm here to say, I'm sorry. I know you have already moved on with different friendships, as you should. But I want you to know, no matter how much you ignore me or how mean you can be, I will always have a special place in my heart for you. No your label in my heart is not under "Best Friend" but under "someone who I needed at that moment." So thank you and I'm sorry.
Love, LaLuna
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